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A CATS Tutorial Using the Dr. Bruce Chubb Examples in Feb 2016 RMC
R.S. Johannes, Signal Master HUB Division Modular Railroad Once more, Dr. Chubb in his own inimitable manner has provided us with yet another marvelous teaching example. In the Feb 2016 Railroad Model Craftsman [RMC], Dr. Chubb provided a clear and highly visual description of speed signaling. The HUB Division of the NER is located in Massachusetts and our modular railroad is heavily invested in JMRI, the C/MRI and the CATS extension to JMRI. Being an “eastern road” we use speed signals in form of NORAC Version 10 rules for signaling on our modular railroad, the Hoosac, Upton & Boston. As...
Jam Solutions makes for easy operational emulation of dual – control power switches
The model railroading community has longed for years for a realistic way for “road crews” to operate dual-control power switches. Most typically, such switches are located at the end of passing sidings within CTC territory. Normally, these switches are under direct control of the dispatcher. However, when the switch must be thrown back and forth multiple times, as in switching, it can be beneficial for the dispatcher to authorize the local crew to take control of the power switch. Steps involved are: Local crew requests, from the dispatcher, permission to place Switch “XYZ” in hand Dispatcher grants authority for local...